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Ofsted Ready

Rishi Sunak’s Kickstart scheme - the good, the bad, and the ugly

Schools reopening in the UK - what do parents, teachers, and unions say?

Further education: learners come first
Getting too focused on short term expansion and profit is this industry’s number one way of ending up with no learners AND no profit.
Learners aren’t stupid; they know whether a course is valuable for them, especially when they finally hit the job market. Just pushing any old learner through the door isn’t going to help anyone.
A learner’s basic journey through your programme consists of recruitment, retention, and only then reward. Keep reading for my thoughts about each stage of this process and some of the most common mistakes I see providers make.

Sector-based work academies – a quick guide for ITPs
Are traineeships coming in from the cold?
Government doesn’t publish precise figures for traineeship spend. Actually, they don’t publish a lot of detailed statistics about traineeships at all.
This week in FE Funding: ESFA cracks down hard on subcontracting
There have been some big developments in FE funding in the past couple of weeks. Last week, I covered the main points of Rishi Sunak’s Summer Statement. Since then, Gavin Williamson has announced plans for a shift toward a “German style”, employer-led Further Education system, while yesterday the ESFA dropped a subcontracting bombshell that could have massive knock-on effects in the industry.
How to start a training business and succeed; 4 critical areas to consider before starting a training business
In my career in the training industry, I’ve lost count of the number of providers I’ve seen come and go.
Sometimes it was down to mismanagement; some were fly-by-night operators who existed solely to take advantage of a specific loophole or scheme. Sometimes it was plain bad luck.
My FE Funding predictions for 2021
We just hit the halfway point of the year, lockdown is relaxing, and life is starting to look a little more normal. It feels like we’re in a time of transition again, and it got me to thinking about what the next year holds for the FE funding world.
Advanced Learner Loans - A Review
Since their introduction, numerous adult education courses previously funded by grant now require students to take out a loan. But while government research has claimed that “learners become more discerning, motivated and engaged learners when undertaking their study in a loans-based environment” and that “learners who took out a Loan feel positively about them”, the story from other quarters is more than a little different.
16-19 Study Programme Market
As with so many recent developments in the industry over the last decade, my clients and friends working in ITPs are often confused and bewildered by the requirements for 16 to 19 funding under the Study Programme system. So, I wanted to discuss a few of the reasons behind why this is such a tough nut to crack and explain a few of the realities about how the system works.
Just what is Further Education?
The short answer is that Further Education constitutes all post-secondary education distinct from higher education i.e. that offered at universities and comparable institutions.
The reality is a little more complex and the UK’s Further Education system only gets more complex over time…
COVID-19 and Mental Health Awareness Week 2020
It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, and given the current situation, it’s an especially poignant topic right now.
The cost of the UK's furlough scheme - where's the money coming from?
Furlough is currently costing the Exchequer around £14bn per month. Following the extension of the scheme through October, and the additional cost of 15bn for small companies and £10bn for the self-employed, the Office for Budget Responsibility estimates that the total cost of COVID-19 related employee support measures will amount to over £100bn, while the budget deficit is projected to rise to a total of £300bn.
3 Years in - Is the Apprenticeship Levy still working?
This week I wanted to talk about the ever-controversial Apprenticeship Levy. Has the scheme been a success? Anyone familiar with the levy is likely to have a preconceived answer; it’s difficult to find anyone saying anything good about the scheme. But are these notions correct?
FE Market Size & Funding Decline
Further Education (FE) in England is typically viewed as the study individuals take after the age of 16. FE is delivered by a range of public, private and voluntary sector providers. The core role of FE is: